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The Bank of Washington’s mission is to do good – by prioritizing employees, customers, community, and relationships. This mission is weaved throughout our culture and our history. We are continually focused on keeping our local communities vibrant and growing, reinvesting local dollars back into the community, helping create local jobs, giving back to local charities and organizations, supporting local schools, creating local opportunities, volunteering our time, and more. For this reason, we created the Bank of Washington Do Good Scholarship which will be awarded to area graduating high school seniors. The recipients of this scholarship will have exhibited their commitment to serving their community and demonstrated a strong involvement in school activities paralleling our mission of giving back and doing good.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.00 to one graduating senior from each of the following schools: Washington High School, Pacific High School, Clayton High School, and St. Francis Borgia High School.
- This is a one-time educational scholarship.
- Students may attend any accredited community college, vo-tech or technical school, four-year college or university. The scholarship recipient must be enrolled in the attending school no later than the fall term following the announcement of the reward. Name of attending school to be provided to the Bank of Washington by July 1st of calendar year, following her/his high school graduation year.
- Students must have maintained a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. thru end of most current completed high school transcript.
- Students do not need to be a customer of the Bank of Washington.
- Scholarship checks will be made payable to and mailed directly to the recipient’s accredited community college, vo-tech or technical school, four-year college or university they will be attending in fall after high school graduation. Name of school attending must be provided to by July 1st of graduation calendar year. Check will be mailed no later than July 15th of the calendar year.
- Scholarship monies to be applied towards room and board, books, tuition, and educational fees incurred by the student.
- Immediate family members of the Bank of Washington Board of Directors, Board of Advisors, and employees are ineligible to apply.
- Awards are not based on financial need.
Application Process:
The following must be completed and digitally submitted by April 1st of graduating school year.
- Digitally submit fully completed application
- Send one email to with the following four documents attached:
- Current high school transcript
- Two letters of recommendation from any combination of the following: teacher, counselor, administrator, coach, or employer
- 500 word essay on your philosophy on volunteerism and giving back to the community
Winners will be determined by a Bank of Washington committee who will take into consideration the following:
- Strong focus on involvement in past/current community service, volunteerism, leadership, and school activities
- Leadership Qualities
- Awards and Honors
- Essay Response
- School References
- Academic Performance
- Moral Character
- Educational Goals
- Work Experience
Additional Notes:
- Winners will be notified by May 1 of graduation year.
- Failure to submit all required documents in a complete manner will result in disqualification.
- All information received through application will be kept confidential.
- Recipients must be willing to provide a release for Bank of Washington to publicize their identity, information about their achievements including photographs, and publishing of essay for bank marketing promotions on website, social media, and in the newspaper.