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You Bought A House! Now What?

Congratulations! You found the perfect house, secured financing, and signed on the dotted line. Now what? Before you start decorating and making the house a home, there is one small detail that needs to be addressed…moving. While moving can be a daunting task, we've created a checklist to help ensure that nothing gets left behind or forgotten making moving day a breeze.
Step 1 - Sort & Purge
• Moving is the perfect time to go through all of your belongings and get rid of anything that is broken, duplicated, or just not used (if you forgot you had it you probably don't need it).
• Anything that you decide to get rid of can either be sold or donated, one person's trash is another person's treasure.
• You will also want to start using up things you don't want to move such as food and cleaning supplies as these items can all be replenished after you have moved into your new home.

Step 2 - Prepare
• If you are hiring a moving company, start researching your options and get an estimate from each company in writing.
• If you are moving yourself, begin recruiting family and friends to get on their calendars.
• Start collecting boxes, bubble wrap, newspaper, tape, and markers to ensure you have enough supplies and aren't scrambling around for "one more box".

Step 3 - Notify Providers of Move
• If you are switching school districts, let your child's school know that they will be transferring and arrange for their records to be transferred to their new school. Contact the new school for enrollment information.
• If your move will require switching health-care providers, arrange for your medical records to be sent to your new doctors.
• Fill out a Change of Address at your local post office or online at Creating a list of everyone you receive mail from as it comes in will help ensure that you do not miss a business or organization that will need to be notified of your new address.
• Notify current and future utility providers of your move date. It is a good idea to turn on utilities at your new house 1 day prior to moving and turn off utilities at the old house 1 day after your move in case an emergency or issue arises.

Step 4 - Valuables and Important Items
• Items such as jewelry and important files should be moved to a box that you will personally move.
• If you are moving to a new town, state, or country, remove anything you may have in a safe deposit box and add to the box with valuables that you will move yourself.
• Refill prescriptions before moving so you will not be without important medications.
• Pack an "Open me first" box for each room that contains the most important things for that room. For example, toilet paper, hand soap, and towel for the bathroom or paper plates, napkins, and plastic utensils for the kitchen. This will help ensure you do not have to rush the unpacking process.
• Pack a suitcase for everyone in the family with enough clothes and essentials to get through a couple days.
• A fully charged cell phone will go a long way on moving day.

Step 5 - Final Checks
• Once everything is packed and loaded up do a final walk through the house to double check that nothing is left behind (don't forget to check drawers, cabinets, and closets), all lights and fans are turned off, and that keys and garage openers are left on the counter or turned in.

Step 6 - Un-Pack Your New Home!
For more information and a timeline, check out our Moving Checklist!